I never thought this day would come, but it has. My mom has refused to take her medication on several occasions.
We have received several calls that my mom will not take her medication. This has happened in the morning and evening times, so it's not just a morning or evening problem. It's a problem anytime of the day. There has been times where I have to go to the memory care place, just to get my mom to take her medication.
We have been told that my mom doesn't like to take her medication in front of other people. The memory care place has found that taking her medication to her room privately, has helped for the morning pill time.
My mom has told me at times that she doesn't know why she has to take her medication. I know my mom refusing to take her medication is because of confusion and not understanding the purpose of her medication.
This has been a new problem that has come up in the last few months. It is a new sign of dementia for us and we are trying to figure out something to help the situation.