
Creamie Get-Together At the Cemetery

June 09, 2014

We had a great time meeting up with Linda, Jean, our girl cousin's, and their kids at the cemetery! We had a Creamie celebration (thanks to Staci) to celebrate Grandma Stewart's birthday. Staci won several Creamies in a cooler, from a local tv show that is on channel 5.

Linda did great documentation work and took many fun pictures of this event! Follow the link to see the many pictures and short videos of memories of Grandma Stewart & this fun day!

This was such a fun day with perfect weather, memories were made, & we had a fun cousin, aunt, and sister get-together! We should do this more often!  :)

Thank you to Linda and Staci for planning this event out and thank you for everyone for being there! It was fun to see everyone!

Much Love,

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