February 14, 2020

I've been keeping a secret from you all here. I haven't been able to find the right words.

BLESSINGS & MIRACLES do happen! I have been reminded of this the last few months.

We brought Cindy (my mom) back home to live with us in May of last year. Never in a million years, did we expect a miracle to happen next.

Paul & I found out in November last year that we are expecting a baby! We didn't really believe it and it didn't feel for reals. Years of infertility can make you feel that way.

Every 3 years for the last 6 years I have been admitted to the hospital. The first hospital stay was for an abscess on my ovary and fallopian tube that left one of my fallopian tubes blocked. 3 years later, I was in the hospital for having a dissected artery & stroke. With getting older and just not having the best of luck health wise. . . I wasn't sure if I'd ever be able to get pregnant. I stayed positive and learned to have FAITH and a lot of PATIENCE.

I'm excited that now almost exactly 4 years later, after my stroke, I'll be in the hospital for something so SPECIAL and for something we have been waiting for, for years. We have been married for 11 years and we are FINALLY expecting a baby boy in July 2020.

Cindy will be having another GRANDSON. Her second. She doesn't understand or even realize, but I know she'd be so very thrilled. 

XO, Natalie 💋😍💕

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! 
I pray, every day, that others going through something similar, can have their miracle, too!

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