
It's A Wrap, 2017!

December 31, 2017

I would say overall the year 2017 has been good to us! We have made it another year! I feel blessed, and hope you are all blessed in 2018!

Here are our top honest events that happened this year in 2017.

* - Let's start the count down - *

Our mom's basement flooded due to a clogged pipe. Our mom used too much toilet paper in the toilet, time and time again. She simply forgot how to use the toilet properly.

Our mom was moved into assisted living memory care.  She has enjoyed it living at the assisting living place, and she has never complained about being there.

Our mom turned 60 years old this year! She didn't know how old she was turning this year or last year. 

Our mom started wearing disposable underwear for the first time. Our mom refused to wear them prior years, and would tell me I could wear them myself, but she wasn't going to wear them. This year she started to wear them daily & she didn't refuse to use them.

We noticed that our mom did not know her grandchildren or son's last name. All of their last names are the same as hers. She did not think they all have the same last names.

Our mom enjoyed the start of summer with car rides. Going out became harder to do, due to incontinence issues. She still gets out and about with everyone's love, patience, & help.

Our mom's cat, Tiger, got sick with cancer. RIP, Tiger!

I made our blog available for the public to see. I had a feeling that wouldn't go away that I needed to share & educate others about Frontotemporal Dementia.

Our mom's pains came back. She had stopped complaining about her pains throughout her bout with Frontotemporal Dementia. This is the first year that she started to complain about her pains that she had, prior to her FTD diagnosis.

This is the first year that we have noticed that our mom didn't know the months or what year it has been. She hasn't been able to associate the holidays with which month it is, either.

This is the first year that our mom let me help her shower. She needs assistance to shower now.

Our mom's short term memory has been worse this year. It is the worst that it has ever been.

Our happiest moments were taking drives, watching tv, partying at Halloween & Christmas, visiting Tiger, listening to Bruno Mars, and just simply hanging out.

Our most trying moments were figuring out the incontinence issues, the flooded basement, and Tiger passing away. For me personally, it was having my mom go to assisted living. The thought of it, and the guilt I had, was very hard at the time. It has turned out to be one of the best choices we have made.

Our positive outlook - Our mom did not get sick during the year 2017. That's a big accomplishment. She would get sick at least once a year since she has had FTD. This year she made it without getting sick.

Our takeaway from 2017 - Be present. The "things" & "stuff" in life doesn't matter. It is the spending time with someone that matters the most. Our mom was able to walk away from her home full of "stuff" and none of the "stuff" mattered to her in the end. When I asked if she needed anything from her home her reply was "what's at my home?" That was very eye opening to me.

Happy New Year from us to you! 

Thank you for your support in 2017!

Our mission is to help spread awareness to Frontotemporal Dementia!

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  1. Thank you so much for sharing this journey with us. I can't imagine how frustrating and difficult it must be, but you have such a wonderful outlook and bringing this to light is so immensely helpful. Also it helps me to see some of the big picture struggles and little accomplishments that mean so much to your family.

    Also this. It's beautiful, and so very true, isn't it? "Be present. The "things" & "stuff" in life doesn't matter. It is the spending time with someone that matters the most."

    Thank you for sharing your words, and your heart, in this space. Sending much love and peace and joy for the new year. Happy 2018!! XOXO

  2. I pray that your family has a good 2018 - God bless!

  3. What a journey you have been on this year #thoughtfullthursday@_karendennis

  4. That is definitely a lot for one year. Bless you, and your sweet mom and family :)

  5. Thank you for reaching out to others with the story of your mom and family. I'm sure your experiences are a blessing to many. May 2018 be a very blessed year for you and your family. Thank you for sharing your 2017 with us at Party in Your PJ's! I look forward to continuing to read about your experiences.


Thank you so much for your comment! :)

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