
Christmas Fun 2017

December 29, 2017

We hope you ALL had a wonderful Christmas this year! We have felt blessed this time of the year. We have been very grateful to be able to spend another Christmas with our mom.

We were able to have a Christmas dinner & a party, Christmas Eve, at "Grandma's House". We made it as simple as can be for our mom. She enjoyed having all of her family together at one time. Our family isn't too big, so I don't think it's too overwhelming for her to have us all together.

Our mom's favorite activities were eating dinner, opening presents from her children/grandchildren, and dancing to Bruno Mars. She was quiet while watching a movie.  She livened right up when she heard Bruno Mars singing. Music has been our blessing to cheer our mom up.

Jon and I were able to drive together to go pick our mom up for the Christmas party! Our car drives usually look like this. We wear our biggest smiles that we can. This is why I feel like we are blessed! We smile every time that we are together! It's not just a "do I have to smile?", smile. It's our real, biggest smiles!

Our Christmas changes from last year -

◦  Our mom would open cards up this year, and not understand who they were from or what they said on the cards.

◦  Our mom wasn't as into the TV as she use to be.

◦  Our mom had to have help getting her food plate.

◦  Our mom had to continually use the bathroom and have help.

◦  Our mom had no idea it was December and Christmas during this month. She couldn't associate all of the Christmas decorations with what month it was. She also didn't know the reason why we celebrate Christmas.

Thank you to everyone who sent/gave my mom cards and gifts! She was definitely spoiled.

People with Dementia don't need much. They mostly just need your love, time, and support. 

I just wanted to shout out to BeeHive Homes & The Salvation Army (Angel Tree) for giving my mom a present from "Santa". It's touching that they give gifts to people in assisted living! Everyone is able to feel love at Christmas time at assisted living. It was thought out gifts that impressed me. Thank you to those of you who volunteer your time at assisted living places, also. I have witnessed many volunteers who make everyone smile, every time they visit. Thank you for what you do! 

Here is how we party FTD style at our parties!  :)

Thank you for your support and thank you for reading our story!

Find the Positive!

Smile Big! 

Our mom with her grandchildren!

Thank you Paul for being our main chef & thank you to everyone for bringing the food you brought to our party!

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