
Our Missed Sign of FTD - My Mom Could No Longer Hold A Job

December 11, 2017

My mom was a computer whiz, back in the older, computer days. Back in the desk top computer days. She was such a whiz. I never got the chance to learn all that she did with the computers, back then. I would always see my mom on the computer with any free time she had. She loved scanning photos to the computer and making CD's with the photos on them. She loved typing letters on the computer, too. My mom loved it when e-mailing came out. She loved e-mailing long e-mails to others. Perhaps, maybe, I got my love of computers from my mom.

My mom had many jobs that required using a computer and customer service throughout her life. Because of this, her last job should have come natural to her. My mom worked at O.C. Tanner, O'ccurance, Classic Demos, helped my dad with his tax company with the tax paperwork, and my mom's final job had to do with multi-tasking and customer service. My mom was at this job for 5 years, when all of the sudden she could no longer keep up with the demands of her job.

My mom was slow with the computer at her final job. Her numbers were not matching up to others with the same job description. She was starting to have errors that she was doing. I remember my mom got called into her supervisors office on numerous occasions. I remember my mom was so frustrated with this. She was frustrated with herself. They gave my mom an easier job hoping she could keep up with the easier job. She couldn't keep up. 

My mom had been going through a divorce and the court process. I always heard the word, STRESS. I really just thought she was really stressed, and this to would pass. It never did just pass. It only got worse.

I will be forever grateful that my mom's job never fired her. They worked with her every step of the way. She was able to get onto disability, and continue to keep her insurance through this job that she had.

We didn't realize at the time what a BIG thing this was, that my mom no longer was able to work.

We started to get use to the fact that my mom had numerous health problems. I don't think we ever once thought, "this was a Dementia problem starting". It just seemed like my mom had an array of health problems combined, all at once.

Our missed sign of FTD was my mom no longer was able to hold a job.

There is such a big difference between someone who is lazy and does not want to work compared to someone who is trying with all their might to work, but can not work to their full ability.

My mom lost her job about 10 years before she was diagnosed with Frontotemporal Dementia.

I was in my later teens, early 20's during this time. I was trying to figure out my own young adult life while, my mom was struggling in her own life. My brother's were newly married trying to figure out their new married lives. 

#ThinkFTD #EndFTD #Dementia #FrontotemporalDementia 

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  1. I hadn't heard of this before, I'm glad her last job did so much for her.

  2. I'm sending you warm thoughts today - thanks for sharing your mother's story.

  3. That must have been so frightening for her and for you her family. Thank you for sharing your story. My mother (at 79) has just been diagnosed with early Alzheimer's. We're still processing that news. With any luck, the treatment will slow it down enough that it won't be much of an issue for her. To face dementia in the prime of one's life is tragic. I found your post on Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop.

  4. Oooof, this must have been so heartbreaking--for her and for her family. Especially for someone who always had her wits about her, to lose the ability to do things that used to come with the greatest of ease. I don't know anything about this, so appreciate you sharing your stories and believe they will be very helpful for anyone with a family member experiencing the same <3

    Also it makes me happy to see employers who really care about the people they have working for them--says so much about the company.

  5. We realized my dad was having problems one day when he couldn't find his way to the place where he was supposed to meet my mom (yes, he was driving!). When my mom finally found him, he couldn't tell her where he'd been. Looking back, we could tell that there were signs even before that that we didn't associate with his particular condition (Primary Progressive Aphasia) I think we don't like to think about our parents becoming dependent so we are more prone to dismiss symptoms. Thanks for sharing your story.

  6. You help many by sharing your experiences. It is important for us to talk about these things.


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