
Thumbs Up!

January 30, 2014

I have decided to write a blog with journal entries to keep me updated with my mom's progression and also to update others in the process since there seems to be so much going on. I hope you will come visit here often to see what my mom has been up to & to see how she is doing!

Currently, she is not responding very good to text messages and she is not answering her phone. She would love to receive mail (I know she would. I know she looks forward to walk out to her mailbox everyday.) She is doing well and I am keeping an eye on her every day, just for some reason she is not responding to texts or phone calls anymore. I think maybe it is hard for her communicating on her own.

We are waiting to hear back from the neurologist to set up an appointment to a new neurologist doctor that we were referred to in December. I should hear back something on Monday.

 The next posts will be updates to what has lead us to where we are now.....

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