
Music = Therapy

March 29, 2014

  I put the app, Pandora onto my mom's phone this last month. Pandora is like a music lover's heaven with loads and loads of different music that you can listen to for FREE! I set up some different stations and singers that my mom would enjoy. I added Celine Dion, Michael Buble, Katy Perry, Tim McGraw, Neil Diamond, just to name a few.

   Paul bought my mom some head phones, for her birthday, so my mom could listen to some music, and so she could jam out to the music, which she LOVES to do. Paul and I enjoy driving my mom around with our radio on and she has her own music on. She loves singing to her songs and it is fun to listen to her sing because she is so happy in her own music world. Music has been the best therapy! It's fun to watch my mom walk out of her house all ready to go with her head phones on when we get to her house to pick her up to go somewhere. She loves to wear her head phones while walking at the park, when we take Lucky for walks, at the doctor office after the doctor visits (helps her cool down, after the visits stress her out), while walking Tiger outside on his leash, & while driving in the car.

 I'm so thankful that my mom has found something that she enjoys and that brings her happiness right now in her life!

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