
LDS Hospital Stay

January 04, 2014

My mom was transferred up to LDS Hospital by ambulance. She made it in time to have dinner that evening. She enjoyed watching tv during her stay there. There wasn't much else for her to do there. She was in a locked up unit and was watched over carefully. My mom called me at least twice a day. 

After many testings, MRI tests, psychology tests, a slight pill change, etc. the doctor believed that my mom has dementia/and or some psychotic disorder going on. Her MRI showed that her brain has shrunk which is not normal for her age. He compared her brain to an 80 year old's brain.

My mom was discharged just in time for Thanksgiving. She was happy about that.

Since her discharge we have gone to a psychologist, which the psychologist said "she can not help my mom". I believe it is because my mom tells everyone that she is doing fine.

We went to the neurologist that she saw at the LDS Hospital. My mom didn't do good on the testing my mom did at that appointment. My mom got upset at the doctor and walked out on the doctor. The doctor called the DMV and right now my mom's driver's license is suspended and she can not drive. We need to follow up with the neurologist we were referred to, to see the next steps to everything. Her testings show poor memory and problem solving. They feel like it isn't safe for her to be driving.

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