
We Will Miss You, Tiger!

November 15, 2017

Life had other plans for us this week.

I really can't believe that I am writing this post so soon. We always thought Tiger would outlive our mom. We never once discussed losing Tiger first. Tiger recently became real sick with cancer, and completely stopped eating. He lost all of his body weight, that he could possibly lose.

Tiger is in the heavens now and he'll be waiting there for my mom.

I know there is a reason that my mom found Tiger. It didn't just happen by coincidence. It was meant to be. Tiger completed his mission here. He was a great companion for my mom. My mom was blessed to find him, for companionship, in 2011. Tiger was my mom's side kick throughout her Frontotemporal Dementia journey.

Thank you Jon, Jamie, and the kids for LOVING Tiger until the end! You gave him the most love that he could ever have!  You helped complete his mission here!

We will miss you, Tiger!

Rest in LOVE & PEACE!

Here are some previous blog posts about Tiger, if you want to get updated on Tiger, and my mom.
Reunion with Tiger the Cat & Our Mom

Tiger Goes To A New Home

Tiger Hear Him Roar

Saying Goodbye Was Hard! 

This was a common thing my mom and Tiger would do. My mom would go talk to Tiger through the window, while she was outside, and he was inside. Tiger loved looking out of this window. There were many times Tiger would be there, while we drove away, and he'd jump back up when we would pull up to the house.  

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  1. Oh so sweet and sad. He looks like my cat from 40 years ago. I still miss him too.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm glad you were blessed with a cat that looks like Tiger. Losing a pet is so hard.

      -Natalie A.

  2. What a lovely smoodgy cat he was - there is nothing like a loving cat to make you feel safe and warm and content. I'm sure he's having a great time in cat heaven and it is good to know he made such a difference in your mum's life.

    1. You are so right! Thank you for your comment! It means a lot to me. He surely did make a difference in my mum's life and so many others, too.

      - Natalie A.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your sweet Tiger. What a beautiful tribute. Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I can't find your email address to reply directly so I'm doing it here!

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! I appreciate your words so much!

      - Natalie A.

  4. Sorry for your loss. Tiger looks like our cat Sweet Potato. I'm so glad your mom had him - cats are very comforting, and red tabby males always seem to have the greatest personalities.

    1. Thank you so much! He was such a great cat! I've had so many cats in my life, so I know when they are a great cat or not. :) He definitely was. He was meant for my mom. I love the name Sweet Potato. It is so unique! Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a comment!

      - Natalie A.

  5. Ah this is a sad story - sorry for your loss. #fortheloveofBLOG

    1. Thank you so much for your words, Jo! Thanks for stopping by!

      - Natalie A.

  6. Hi Natalie,

    Thank you so much for your sweet comments and for joining us at Friendship Friday this week! I am SO sorry for your loss! Tiger was the name of my childhood cat so your post brings back many fond memories. Your Tiger was such a beautiful soul and I can tell from your photos just how loved he was!

    I look forward to getting to know you and hope to see you at Inspire Me Monday! :-)

  7. My condolences on your loss. It's always sad to lose beloved pets who love us unconditionally.

  8. Oh this is just so sad! Thank you for sharing on #fortheloveofBLOG x

  9. I am so sorry to hear of your cats passing. It is always sad when you lose a member of the family.


Thank you so much for your comment! :)

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