
Wearing Clothes Improperly with Dementia - Wearing A Shirt, For Pants

October 05, 2017

Our saying has been . . . .

"You Never Know What My Mom Is Going To Say or Do Next".

This same saying applied to her last night. This saying is so very true with dementia. Nothing can prepare you for the next surprises, because they are simply surprises.

I wasn't going to go visit my mom last night. I thought that she was set up good for the day already, so I didn't need to visit her. I kept contemplating about it, and I finally felt as if I needed to go check on my mom. I needed to check that she had clean clothes. Paul was driving me over to go check on my mom. As we were driving there, my mom texted me her usual text, that she was going to sleep. I texted my mom back that we were headed to go see her. 

We arrived at the assisted living place. As we walked inside to see my mom, she was waiting on the couch, by the front door. I started walking to her and she had the biggest smile. I looked down and immediately noticed that she was wearing a shirt for her pants, instead of pants.

We thought maybe she didn't have clean pants, so that's why she was wearing a shirt. We walked her to her room to help her get some pants on. I have to give credit to my mom. She was pretty clever on how she put the shirt on. She put her body through the top part of the shirt. She then tied the arms of the shirt around her. She was wearing it, and it looked like she was wearing a skirt. 

My mom, did indeed, have clean pants. Her clothes had been washed, but they were folded up, and put into the hamper, by the assisted living place. My mom is use to looking in her dresser for her pants. Of course, with dementia, I can see why my mom wouldn't think to look in a hamper for her clean clothes, because in her mind, that is where dirty clothes are suppose to go.

I took my mom into the bathroom and helped her put on some clean pants.

I have seen others post, about their loved ones with dementia, wearing their clothes improperly. I knew this could happen. I'm surprised that we have now reached the stage of wearing clothes improperly. This is the first time this has happened with my mom.

Nothing can prepare me for what my mom is going to say or do next. No matter what, I am always surprised and wondering what is going to happen next.

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  1. Oh dearie, I just cannot imagine how this must be for you. She did indeed cover herself nicely with the top. Good problem solving. I know it was hard for you though. May God bless your mama and you and your family.
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

    1. Thank you so much for your comment! It brought a smile to my face on a Monday morning! Thank you so much for your sweet comment! :)

      -Natalie A.

  2. Your mom is so adorable! And as a "fashion blogger" reading this post, all I am thinking is that she may have just started a new style trend! Because how cute is her shirt styled as a skirt! I may have to try that. I am glad that you decided to visit her that day and capture her creativity. The mind really does amazing things and becomes intensely creative even in its moments of impairment. Thank you so much for sharing this journey.


    1. Thank you so much for your comment! You made me laugh and smile! You are so right that the mind does amazing things! Thanks again for stopping by and leaving a comment! I appreciate so much!

      -Natalie A.

  3. My heart goes out to you. I'm glad to see that you and your Mom looked like you were taking it all in stride and well. It's certainly an adjustment to be the one who has to care for your parent.


Thank you so much for your comment! :)

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