
Sunday Fun Day!

June 12, 2017

Cindy and her sister on a Sunday fun day! Photo credit goes to my mom's sister!

Sunday is my mom's fun day! She is always looking forward to Sundays. My mom usually has a visitor every Sunday. It changes off who will be there and she's always excited to see who will show up next on each Sunday.

My mom has 3 children. We have a planned schedule for the month on Sundays of who will visit my mom.

We arranged a schedule so we can all remember who will be visiting my mom each Sunday.

This is how our month schedule looks like:

  • Week 1 - Me
  • Week 2 - Brother 1
  • Week 3 - Me
  • Week 4 - Brother 2
  • Week 5 - Arrange or trade off when there is a week 5 in the month.

My mom loves any and every visitor! She is always looking forward to someone visiting her!

Try to get everyone involved to lessen the stress. I know sometimes that is easier said then done.

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