
Idaho Day Trip - Aunt Ann's Funeral

June 09, 2014

My mom and I were able to go on a day trip up to Idaho with Linda and Bill, to attend Aunt Ann's funeral last week. My mom had no hesitation on going on this adventure. She really wanted to visit Idaho and she had a really good time while there. I know that she is so glad that she went!

The funeral was a nice memorial to Aunt Ann and the person she is and was. There was beautiful music sung and played, beautiful talks by her grandchildren, and so on. It was great to see the cousins again, chat with them, hug them, drive by The Johnson's old farm home  (now Blaine and Suzanne's home), visit the cemetery, eat at the luncheon, and look at the scenery on the drive.

We made it home that evening after 6PM. My mom was so happy to be home to spend time with her cat, Tiger. She said that she missed him. My mom was not tired out one bit and was ready to get to her next daily activities that she had missed while she was gone!

I asked my mom the next day what her highlight of the week was. She said her favorite thing was going to Idaho. 

Thank you to Linda, Bill, and Jean for your support and making this possible for her being able to attend these events in Idaho!

Unfortunately, we didn't get Bill in any pictures! A HUGE thank you goes to Bill for being so patient and kind! I really do appreciate what you did for us on this day!

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