
Homecoming Party Time - Let's Dance!

June 25, 2014

My mom came with Paul and I to a Homecoming Dance that was an absolute fun time back in April.  Polynesians like to have dances for people who are leaving on missions and they also have dances for them when they return from their mission. They celebrate with dancing, music, food, and fun.

We are celebrating Elder Blake Sio in this video. He is known to us as a nephew and calls Paul "uncle" all the time. I have known him since he was 12 or so. It has been fun to see him grow up and it has really been a neat experience to see his faith grow while serving his mission in the Phillipines. 
 Blake inspires me when I am around him to be more caring, humble, positive, thankful, generous, open to everyone, and so much more. I wanted a picture of all of us together so this picture could remind me of these things.

 We loved the food catered by Tialino Catering (Paul's sister catering) and ate it so fast. The music was extra loud and my mom thought it was so fun. She called Bob (her famous next door neighbor) so he could hear how loud the music was.
Two thumbs up are always GREAT!
My mom decided to get up and dance on the last song of the night. She enjoyed the music the whole night and enjoyed watching everyone else dance! I was proud to see her get up and want to dance the last song! She was so happy and smiling ear to ear while dancing by Paul's brother's family.

We had such a great time this day! Elder Sio has taught me to be thankful for the things I have. Homes in the Phillipines are very small. Homes there are just as big as a size of a room in one of our houses - a small room at that. There is no carpet. He was so overwhelmed at this party for him because he knows there is nothing in the Phillipines like this and he felt like it was so much for him.
We all feel loved by Blake Sio every time we are around him and we love him!

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