
Fun in the Car - A Random Photography Day

August 30, 2014

Today we went for a spin in Grandpa Stewart's red Mirage car. 

My mom had her camera packed in her purse and needed a reminder to pull her camera out. I told her a few days ago that she should take her camera with her to take pictures, but we hadn't gotten around to taking pictures. 

I told her today to whip that camera out and to become a photographer. She had a lot of fun as the photographer. 

Here are some pictures of our drive to the store to buy bird seed for the birds at my mom's house (she LOVES feeding the birds), and driving over to my house to watch some movies.

Yes, Lucky was with us! He was hot. My mom and Lucky stayed in the car, while I ran into the store. My mom wanted to take the bird seed to her home right away to feed the birds. We rushed the bird food home and that made my mom happy.

On the way to my house, we saw 6 motorcycle cops and a different variety of police vehicles in the driving range at the DMV. I pulled over so my mom could take some pictures. She thought this was cool to see.

We made it a fun traveling day in the car and as you can see, my mom still has her photography skills!  ;)

We are living it up and we are hoping you are too! Hugs and Love to you!

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