
Stewart Family Reunion at Wheeler Farm

July 08, 2014

My mom had been anticipating to go to the Stewart Family Reunion ever since she received her invitation in the mail. She couldn't wait for June 28th to arrive. 

We had a great time spending time with our  family members that we know well and sitting at the same table as them. It was fun to see some familiar faces and to see some new faces & meet & greet relatives.

The BBQ beef sandwiches were delicious and went great with all of the great pot luck dishes that were brought by everyone. There were also delicious sheet cakes and cookies that we enjoyed eating. My mom enjoyed the strawberry white cake.

My mom, Sammy, and Savannah were really excited to go see the animals on the farm. My mom petted a cow and noticed how smelly they are.

We saw horses, goats, cows, sheep, pigs, ducks, and more on the farm. My mom, Sammy, and Savannah had a great time looking at the animals together.

We took an ice cream break and grandma bought Sammy, Savannah, and herself some ice cream to cool off on the hot day in the sun.

The girls and grandma wanted to go on a wagon ride. Grandma wanted to pay for the ride. Grandma was surprised that we didn't get to see any animals on the ride. We saw scenery on the ride. It was very hot during the ride in the sun, but we had a lot of fun riding on the tractor wagon ride together as a family, as you can see by our fabulous smiles.

Aunt Linda also was a great photographer this day and took so many great pictures of the fun on the farm. I will have to add some of those pictures in, as soon as I get those downloaded. Thank you for always taking pictures and sending them my way!

Families Are Forever! I love my family... including my aunts, uncles, and cousins! I'm so grateful for you all! I know that my mom is so grateful for all of her family, as well.

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  1. I can't remember if I sent the pictures to you...that was a really fun time! I am so grateful for the family and feeling the love that was at the reunion.


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